Abstract Magazine Seeks Emerging Designers & Mentors

Abstract Magazine Seeks Emerging Designers & Mentors

Inkubator is a collaborative work and meeting place for designers, providing educational programs related to the print industry as well as 1-to-1 mentorship from experienced design professionals. Participants of Inkubator’s 3-month program will produce an issue of Abstract Magazine, a free local arts and culture magazine in collaboration with emerging writers, photographers, and illustrators.

AIGA Honolulu and Inkubator seeks emerging designers and design mentors to participate in Session Two of Inkubator.

Inkubator Seeks Emerging Designers

Emerging designers, or recent graduates, will attend a series of workshops to learn about the print industry, gain valuable resources for starting off their careers in the print industry, have 1-to-1 mentorship with a design professional, and will contribute to the design and production of Abstract Magazine Issue 2. Those interested in participating as an emerging designer are required to be AIGA Honolulu members in good standing by April 30, 2013.

Inkubator Seeks Mentors

Design mentors will help guide emerging designers throughout their creative process in producing their assigned portion of Abstract Magazine. Mentors will serve as project managers and are required to have a minimum of 5 years of work experience in the design industry.

Designers and Design Mentors participate on a volunteer basis. If you are interested in participating in Session Two of Inkubator as a designer or design mentor, email inkubator@aigahonolulu.org by April 26.

All participants are required to attend a mandatory kick-off meeting next week.

About Abstract Magazine
Distribution: Printed Quarterly
Abstract Magazine is an initiative of Matt Heim, Scott Kawamura, James Charisma in partnership with AIGA Honolulu.

Inkubator is located at 501 Sumner Street – Google Map
By aigahonolulu
Published April 22, 2013
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