Free webinars for AIGA members | July 6, 2012 | show
AIGA will be running two sets of webinars this summer: A new round of Breakthroughs webinars (http://www.aiga.org/webinars-breakthroughs/) co-presented by Adobe, and a brand-new series presented with Aquent, Industry Insights (http://www.aiga.org/Industry-Insights-Webinars/).
Free for AIGA members.

4×4: Architecture and Design Film Series | Thursday, June 21, 2012 — June 24, 2012 | show
“4×4: Architecture and Design Film Series” is a mini festival of 4 films in 4 nights presented by Interisland Terminal. 4×4 showcases design in multiple facets.
AIGA members can receive a 20% discount by using the code “AIGA” when purchasing tickets.
To purchase your tickets or for more information, please click here.
Show times and movie synopses can be found immediately below.
DESIGN & THINKING (Sponsored by AIGA Honolulu)
Thursday, 6/21, 9PM & Sunday, 6/24, 7PM
Design Thinking was applied as a term and methodology in 2008. It was received as a tool to solve every problem, from daily life decisions to business challenges to world hunger problems. Attention and debates followed; some insisted on design education in all K-12 schools, some declared it to be nothing more than just marketing tool, some hoped it would turn his company into Apple.
View the trailer here
Thursday/June21/7PM & Sunday/June24/9PM
Prestigious, yet controversial, English-Iraqi deconstructionist architect and designer Zaha Hadid has won numerous awards ranging from the Pritzker prize in 2004 to the Praemium Imperiale in 2009. This film documents some of her most acclaimed international projects while providing insightful commentary from Guggenheim Foundation’s Tom Krens, architect Patrick Schumacher, and photographer Helene Binet among others.
Friday/June22/9PM & Saturday/June23/7PM
From Gary Hustwit—the director of Helvetica and Objectified—comes Urbanized, a documentary about the design of cities, which looks at the issues and strategies behind urban design and features some of the world’s foremost architects, planners, policymakers, builders, and thinkers.
View the trailer here
Friday/June21/7PM & Saturda/June23/9PM
Pool Party is the story of a once-abandoned swimming pool in Brooklyn, the largest of which New York City has ever seen, that sat empty for two decades before becoming the site of one of the most unique music venues in the world to date. The film wittingly utilizes the story of McCarren Pool as a backdrop to trace the underlying path of urban gentrification in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
The film features venue footage of performances by the Yea Yeah Yeahs, Sonic Youth, and the Beastie Boys among many others during the chronicling of this unique venue’s final season.
View the trailer here

DUI 3 | June 14, 2012 | show
DUI3: Drawing Under the Influence 2012
Save the Date! June 14th is Drawing Near!
The ultimate competition of drawing and drama returns this summer! Grab some sketchy friends and start putting your teams together for AIGA Honolulu’s own version of Team Pictionary! Who will be crowned this year’s drawsome DUI champ?
DATE: Thursday, June 14
TIME: 6:30pm–9:30pm
LOCATION: TheVenue, 1144 Bishop Street
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION [Register by May 25 & save!]*
Admission includes Entry Fee, Buffet Dinner, DUI Event T-shirt, and
Draw-dropping Fun. No host cocktails.
• AIGA Members $30
• AIGA Student Members $25
• Non-members $35
• Student Non-members $30
• Wallflowers (attending, but not participating) $20
REGULAR REGISTRATION [No later than June 1]
• If registering after May 25, please add $5 per person to the above prices.
Hurry, space is limited. This event will sell out.
*Prices are per person. Teams may consist of 4–8 players per team. Priority will be given to full teams that register. All attendees must be at least 21 years of age.
…AND REMEMBER: If you draw, don’t drive.
For more information, please visit www.aigahonolulu.org/dui-2012

2 Workshops: CS6 & Muse | May 25, 2012 | show
Friday, May 25, 2012 • 8:30am – 3:30pm
UH Manoa Art Auditorium (2535 McCarthy Mall, Room 132)
Parking available in the Parking Structure for $5 in cash
AIGA Professional & Student Members • $20
AIGA Non-Members • $25
Refreshments and light lunch included
Questions? Email us: rsvp@aigahonolulu.org
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Workshop 1:
Adobe CS6 + Creative Cloud
Friday, May 25 • 8:30–11:30am
- Update your game with improved speed thanks to new performance engines in Photoshop Extended and Illustrator, which let you work faster than ever before with large, complex files and applying creative effects such as blurs, glows, and drop shadows.
- Learn to efficiently create beautiful repeating patterns in Illustrator.
- Discover how to efficiently repurpose content for print and digital applications by creating alternate versions of an InDesign layout within the same document.
- Leverage dozens of timesaving enhancements that let you streamline routine design and production tasks without compromising quality or control.
- Work with video in Photoshop Extended.
- Explore the 400+ web fonts that come with Muse, serviced by Typekit.
- Share files with colleagues and clients wherever you are, using cloud-based storage and device syncing capabilities.
- •See how Creative Cloud membership gives you upgrades to all new versions upon release, plus new features and services between releases.
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Workshop 2:
Adobe “Muse” (Code Name)
Friday, May 25 • 12:30–3:30pm
Under the gun to deliver your designs for print, websites and now iPads? Adobe has been hard at work developing new technologies that will allow you to design HTML websites or immersive publications for the iPad, as easily as if you were laying out a page in InDesign. This workshop will introduce you to two new technologies that really do make designing digital experiences as easy as designing for print.

UHM Portfolio Show: ADDITION | May 10, 2012 | show
ADDITION + BFA Graphic Design Portfolio Show
The University of Hawai’i at Manoa BFA Graphic Design class would be
honored by your presence at their 2012 portfolio show. They will be
showcasing a wide range of work, including print, web, and
conceptually driven projects. For employers, this is a wonderful
opportunity to meet 13 new and creative minds eager to learn and
experience more in the design field. If you are a student considering
an art or design degree at UHM this is a good venue to obtain more
information about the program and see examples of student work.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
5:00pm – 8:00pm
Honolulu Design Center,
1250 Kapi’olani Blvd, Honolulu, HI 96814
Food and drink provided by Stage Restaurant
Covered valet parking available
Shyrah Esteban
Franklin Hiraoka
Victoria Hiraoka
Elizabeth Kaho’ohanohano
Erica Kunihisa
Kaleena Kwe
Jessica Larsen
Maria Lieber
Christina Lugo
Rebecca Mangrobang
Amy Ngo
Ian Ryan
Karen Tanigawa

KCC Portfolio Show: The Works of New Media Arts | May 9, 2012 | show
The Works of New Media Arts
Be sure to come view the demo reels and portfolios from the graduating
animation and interface design students of the New Media Arts program
at Kapi’olani Community College. For those of you looking to hire a 3D
animator, designer, web designer, or html/css front end coder, or for
those of you thinking about taking a class in design or animation at
KCC—this is a great opportunity to learn more about the program, meet
the faculty and see examples of student work.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
6:00pm – 7:00pm INDUSTRY ONLY
7:00pm – 8:00pm OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY
The 2011 NMA Practicum short “The Spare” will be screened at 7:00pm
Kapi’olani Community College
4303 Diamond Head Road, Honolulu, HI 96816
ILIAHI Rooms 123ABC (near Subway)
Event Site: nma.kcc.hawaii.edu/2012studentshow/
Program Info: http://nma.kcc.hawaii.edu
Ashley Alodino
Ryan Choy
Byron Heal
Valerie Kawasaki
Myra Lam
Khang Le
Aaron Low
Kari Ann Matsumura
Jonathan Paulo
Melissa Romano
Troy Toyozaki
Interface Designers
Shelby Burns
Virginia Fajardo
Lori Fukumura
Tiffany Higa
Jason Karioka
Annie Kwok
Chris Malkus
Jason Mudrick
Arlyn Ramos
David Teehee

HCC Portfolio Show: IMPOSSIBLE | May 2, 2012 | show
As designers, we find that we are constantly challenged with finding
creative solutions to seemingly impossible tasks. The Honolulu
Community College’s Communication Arts Program has a group of 15
young, talented, and aspiring designers that would like to extend an
invitation for you to come and experience our portfolio show. Here,
you will have an opportunity to view our design and print work where
we make the impossible, possible.
Camille Agojo
Kori Alimaza
Richard Barbasa
Ericka Bueno
Arnel Dela Cruz
Kristin Kono
Candide Krieger
Zach Lagrimas
Lisa Miyagi
Kea Peters
Reese Sakuye
Aziel Sawai
Davis Silva
Chris Viernes
Daniela Voicescu
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
3:00pm – 8:30pm
Honolulu Community College
Building 2 Room 201
874 Dillingham Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96817
Parking Information:
Please park in parking lot C
For map and further information, please visit wearepossible.com

Hawaii’s 5-0 Traveling Exhibition | Nov 21, 2011–Apr 21, 2012 | show

9th Annual AIGA Design Learn & Become (LAB) | March 24–25, 2011 | show
This year marks the 9th Annual AIGA Design Learn & Become (LAB) Workshop, which will take place March 24-25 at Mililani High School.
The AIGA Design LAB’s objectives are to give young students from various high schools across the island hands-on experience in learning the fundamentals of graphic design, the design process and the importance of the role of a graphic designer.
Local practitioners facilitate group sessions for a weekend workshop, allowing students to brainstorm concepts, sketch layouts, present ideas and compose the final designs on the computer. In the process, students learn how to stimulate their creative thinking and how to problem solve, as well as to hone their presentation and verbal skills.
Help us spread the word by liking it on Facebook.
If you would like to help out by lending your expertise to the program, please email Leslie at vicepresident@aigahonolulu.org

The AIGA Honolulu Design Forum 2012 | March 18, 2011 | show
The AIGA Honolulu Design Forum 2012
AIGA Honolulu is pleased to present the 2012 Design Forum. The purpose of this forum is to create more interaction between design students and recent alumni with the professional design community. A panel of designers will present their work in short slide presentations, answer questions from the audience and be available to review student work.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Art and Art History Department Building
Art Auditorium
*Free Parking | Map
AIGA Student Members – FREE
All Others – $5
Guest Speakers
Anne Bush – UHM
Clifford Cheng – VOICE
Dave Daniels – MVNP
Chris Gargiulo – KCC
Darin Isobe – PacificBasin Communications
Arne Knudson – GiddyMachine
Heather Park – Scenic Design
Bernard Uy – Wall-to-Wall Studios
Kuni Yamamoto – Clarence Lee Design & Associates
Event Schedule
11:30am—12:00pm | Meet and Greet, Portfolio Registration (Refreshments Served)
12:00pm—12:45pm | Opening Remarks, Presentation of Work
12:45pm—2:00pm | Moderated Question and Answer Session
2:00pm—3:00pm | Individual Student Portfolio Reviews
Individual Student Portfolio Review
If you are a student that is interested in having an individual portfolio review by any one of the guest speakers, please bring your portfolio of no more than 10 pieces and register at the designated table located near the front entrance to the auditorium. Reviewers will be randomly assigned at the event.
For web, interactive, and online pieces you will need to provide your own laptop or tablet device. Each individual session will last between 10-15 minutes so please plan accordingly in regards to the volume of work you choose to display.
Portfolio Registration | 11:30am—12:00pm.
Individual Portfolio Review | 2:00pm—3:00pm.
Header image courtesy of Ian Ryan.

The American Advertising Federation District 13 has issued its Call-for-Entries for the 2011–2012 PELE Awards Competition.
The annual PELE Awards Competition recognizes exceptional advertising and design work created in the State of Hawaii. The PELE Awards honor advertising and design excellence in all media including print, online, broadcast, out-of-home and public service advertising.
For more information visit http://aafhawaii.com/2011-12PeleAwards

Hawaii’s 5-O Design Competition and Award Show | November 19, 2011 | show
The winning selections will be announced at the Award Show on Saturday, November 19, 2011 acknowledging and congratulating the creators of the Top 50 Print + Environmental Graphics entries and Top 25 Web entries created in the State of Hawaii. From these winning selections, the Top 5 Print + Environmental Graphics entries and Top 3 Web entries will be acknowledged and presented with trophies for creating the best designs in the 50th State. Separate from the winning designs, the Top 3 Student entries will be recognized and awarded from student submissions.
Benefits from winning include:
- The ability for winners to showcase work, and vie for industry recognition.
- Announcement of the winners in publications throughout the State.
- Publication in our Hawaii’s 5-O Winners Book.
- Widespread promotion in the Hawaii’s 5-O Traveling Exhibit.
- A prestigious Award of Excellence honoring your achievements.
AUGUST 8 – AUGUST 26, 2011
Hawaii’s 5-O entries accepted at Electric Pencil during the hours of 8:00am – 4:30pm Electric Pencil · 501 Summer Street, #3B1 · Honolulu, HI 96817
Hawaii’s 5-O Design Competition Judging
NOVEMBER 2, 2011
Last day to RSVP to Hawaii’s 5-O Award Show
NOVEMBER 19, 2011
Hawaii’s 5-O Award Show at the Bishop Museum Winners will be announced and awarded
- SEAN ADAMS • [ AdamsMorioka LA ]
- LUCILLE TENAZAS • [ Tenazas Design NY/NJ ]
All entries must have been designed and produced in the State of Hawaii within the period of September 2, 2009 through August 15, 2011. Submissions can be made by anyone associated with the entry, however, it is recommended that all parties involved in the submission be mentioned. For “Print + Environmental Graphics” entries, unpublished work and advertisements are ineligible. The design firm, designer, project name, printer, and client must be specified on the entry form for eligibility.
All print entries must be designed and offset or digitally printed in Hawaii. Posters, Books: Do not mount. Logos: B/W and color logo mounted on a 16″ x 20″ black core mat board (not foam core) with a printed sample of the logo. Packaging: Must always be submitted as actual pieces, even if oversized (this includes CDs). Do not mount. Stationery: Includes a letterhead, one business card and an envelope. Second sheet may also be included. Considered a single entry. Entries must be mounted on a 16″ x 20″ black core mat board (not foam core). Corporate Identity: Includes logos/trademarks, stationery, envelopes, folders, identity manuals. Considered a single entry. Entries must be mounted on a 16″ x 20″ black core mat board (not foam core). Screen-Printed T-shirts: Do not mount. Calendars, Annual Reports, Book Jackets/Covers, Brochures, Catalogs, Newsletters, Invitations, Announcements and all other types of printed materials: Entries must be mounted on black core mat board (not foam core), not to exceed 16″ x 20″. Environmental Graphics: All environmental graphics must have been designed in the State of Hawaii. Applications include, but are not limited to, signage, wayfinding systems, mapping, exhibition design, themed environments, retail spaces, sports facilities, and special-event atmospherics. Submit photographs as necessary to represent overall features and design details of graphic elements mounted on a black core mat board (not foam core), not to exceed 16″ x 20″.
[ WEB ]
All web entries may be submitted as a Mac or PC-based CD-ROM containing four screenshots from the project. Please include the full web address of the site on the CD-ROM. Website entries must work within the latest versions of Safari, Internet Explorer, or Firefox web browsers. List all plug-ins required for the web browser (i.e., Flash, QuickTime, etc.). Website entries must be published on the Internet for a client or as a self-promotional piece. All entries must be in English. An entry form must be submitted with each piece.
Open to college students only. All work created while attending school must be submitted in this category. Student work must abide by the “Print + Environmental Graphics” and “Web” criteria. Work is not required to be published and may be a self-promotional piece. Student entry fee is $20 per entry. Three outstanding students shall receive an award certificate and a oneyear AIGA student membership. Do not complete the entry form attached to the Call for Entries. Go to the website at aigahonolulu.org/HI50 to download student entry forms.
A completed entry form must accompany each piece submitted. Affix the entry form to the upper right hand corner of the back of the black core mat board. For unmounted entries, an entry form needs to be attached to the piece. Work will not be returned unless special arrangements are made prior to the deadline date. Please package entries. Clearly mark each package “Hawaii’s 5-O” (number each package if you are sending multiples with “1 of –, 2 of –, etc.”) and include a completed official sheet with package. For additional entry forms, please photocopy or download a fillable PDF at honolulu.aiga.org
$40 for members
$60 for non-members
$20 for students
Members of AAF–Hawaii and Ad2 Honolulu must provide a photocopy showing proof of current membership. If ten pieces are entered, the eleventh entry fee is waived. Payments are to be made in full (by check or money order) in U.S. funds. Entries that are submitted without payment will be rejected. One payment may be used for multiple entries. Make checks payable to: AIGA Honolulu Chapter.
Friday, August 26, 2011 • 4:30pm
You may deliver or mail entries to Electric Pencil, 501 Summer Street, #3B1, Honolulu, HI 96817 from August 8, 2011 to August 26, 2011, from 8:00am to 4:30pm. All entries must be delivered to Electric Pencil by 4:30pm on Friday, August 26, 2011. Electric Pencil is only a drop-off point. They will not be able to answer “Hawaii’s 5-O” questions. For neighbor island entrants, please send by mail or courier to arrive no later than August 26, 2011.
For more information, please contact Angelica Rabang at angelica@staceyleong.com or 596.4777.

Designer Dialogue Series with 2011 Hawaii’s 5-O Judge Christopher Simmons | September 1, 2011 | show
Christopher Simmons1 will be at the UH Manoa Art Auditorium2 Thursday, September 1, 2011 at 6:00pm for a Designer Dialogue.
Christopher Simmons, owner of MINE™, was past president of AIGA San Francisco, was named Who’s Who in America of Emerging Leaders, and was deemed one of the “People to Watch in 2004” by Graphic Design USA. His award-winning studio has produced numerous books including Color Harmony: Logos and LogoLab and his work has been featured in dozens of publications including Graphis, HOW, STEP, and Dynamic Graphics. Clients include Bank of America, UCLA, Stanford University, The Nature Conservancy, and Kaiser Permanente.
Join us for an intimate discussion with Christopher on his work, client relations, design philosophy, what he looks for when judging or whatever’s on your mind. Write any question on the front of this card and turn it in at the door. No holds barred. Make it count.
View a Demo Reel of Christopher’s Work Here
AIGA Members $10
Non-members $15
AIGA Student Members FREE
Non-member Students $5
1 w w w.minesf.com • w w w.christopherchsim mons.com • @thisiscchs
2 2535 McCarthy Mall, Honolulu, Hawaii

Design for Good: 2011 AIGA Chapter Luncheon | August 4, 2011 | show

Join your local design community and fellow AIGA members for our annual Chapter Luncheon! Receive up-to-date information on the status of our chapter, meet your new board of directors, network with industry professionals, learn about designing for good, and find out what’s the latest on the Hawaii’s 5-O Show.
12:00 NOON – 2:00 PM
1121 Nu’uanu Avenue
$20 – AIGA Members/Student Members
$30 – NonMembers
Please pay at the door. Make checks payable to “AIGA Honolulu.”
Email your reservations to membership@aigahonolulu.org.
Include your name, company and number of people.
Due to catering requirements, NO SHOWS WILL BE BILLED
Parking is available at the Smith-Beretania Municipal lot. Entrance is located on Beretania.
Please call Alan at 595-6222
Email membership@aigahonolulu.org
Printing and mailing by Zoombis, a division of HonBlue

KCC New Media Arts Demo Reel and Design Portfolio | May 12, 2011 | show
Kapi’olani Community College—New Media Arts presents
New Media Arts Demo Reel and Design Portfolio 2011
Be sure to come celebrate and check out the demo reels and portfolios from the graduating animation and interface design students of the New Media Arts program at Kapi’olani Community College.
For those of you looking to hire a 3D animator, designer, web designer, or html/css front end coder, or for those of you thinking about taking a class in design or animation at KCC—this is a great opportunity to learn more about the program, meet the faculty and see examples of student work.
Interface Designers: REYNALDO M. MINN •
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Thursday, May 12, 2011
The 2011 NMA Practicum short “Caretaker” will be screened at 7PM
Kapi’olani Community College, 4303 Diamond Head Road, Honolulu, HI 96816
ILIAHI Rooms 123ABC (near Subway)
(Driving Directions and Parking)
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For more event information contact:
Ailed Garcia ailed@hawaii.edu or 808 343 9565
For more information about our program visit:
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Event funded by the generous support of KCC’s Office of Student Activities.

UHM Graphic Design Portfolio Show | May 11, 2011 | [spoiler]
FROM: 6:00PM – 9:30PM

HCC Portfolio Show |May 4, 2011 | show
Hey you,
We want to let you know we have a handful of newly reformed inmates, ready to work their butts off. They’ve served their time here in the clink and are ready to kick ass in the Design community.
You can have a chance to bail out these designers and help them redeem themselves in society.
HCC Correctional Center
May 4, 2011 | 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Adobe® CS5.5 Workshop | April 25, 2011 | show
Presented by AIGA Honolulu & Adobe® in partnership with Honolulu Community College, Communication Arts Program
Come and see the latest and greatest and learn what’s new from Adobe! All attendees will be entered to win a full Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium! (A $1,899 value!) Winner must be present to win.
Monday, April 25, 2011
10:00 am – 3:15 pm
Honolulu Community College, Building 2
2nd Floor Auditorium (Dinosaur Room)
Session 1 • 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
What’s new in Creative Suite 5.5 for designers
Session 2 • 2:15 pm – 3:15 pm
Create interactive content without writing code with CS5.5 Design Premium
FREE for AIGA Members & AIGA Student Members!
Non-Members: $10 • Student Non-Members: $5
Space is limited. RSVP required by April 22, 2011.
FREE parking. Please place direct mailer on your dashboard.
Session 1 • 10:00 am – 2:00 pm (with 2 breaks)
What’s new in Creative Suite 5.5 for designers
CS5.5 Design Premium offers new creative tools, the ability to deliver ideas faster in print and create interactive content without writing code, plus it works with CS Live online services to maximize your design time by streamlining critical non-design tasks.
At this half-day workshop, you will:
- Discover how you can finish routine tasks, from masking images to adjusting layouts to finessing strokes, more quickly and efficiently with new features in Photoshop CS5.5 Extended, Illustrator CS5.5, and InDesign CS5.5.
- Learn how to turn Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator artwork into high-quality interactive content without writing code with new Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5.5.
- Find out how you can add attentiongrabbing interactivity, animation, video, and sound to your digital documents and presentations—all in InDesign CS5.5 without learning new software.
- Find out how you can maximize design time by streamlining critical processes like client reviews with CS Review and previewing web pages on leading browsers and operating systems with BrowserLab. CS Review and BrowserLab are part of Adobe CS Live online services, which work with Design Premium and are complimentary for a limited time.
Session 2 • 2:15 pm – 3:15 pm
Create interactive content without writing code with CS5.5 Design Premium
Print design and production still makes up the bulk of a designers workload, but increasingly designers need to either repurpose print designs for digital distribution, or create designs for fully digital projects like websites. CS5.5 Design Premium gives designers the tools they need to create interactive content without writing code. See how easy it is to transform artwork from InDesign, Photoshop or Illustrator into engaging digital content.
At this hour-long workshop, you will:
- Learn how to turn Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator artwork into high-quality interactive content withoutwriting code with new Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5.5.
- Find out how you can add attentiongrabbing interactivity, animation, video, and sound to your digital documents and presentations—all in InDesign CS5.5 without learning new software.
- See how you can export InDesign documents for Adobe Digital Editions, a desktop reading application for devices such as the Amazon Kindle, the Sony e-Book reader, and the Barnes & Noble nook.

2010-2011 Pele Awards | show
Aloha and Welcome to the 2010-11 Pele Awards Competition.
The Pele Awards is a creative competition designed to recognize the best advertising and design work created in Hawaii during the preceding calendar year.
The Pele Awards is a District 13 National ADDY Competition. All Pele Award winners are automatically forwarded to compete in the National ADDY competition with the winners announced on June 4, 2011 at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel & Resort.
The Pele Awards is open to any individual, company and/or organization engaged in the business of advertising or design work in the State of Hawaii.
There is no limit to the number of entries a person or company can enter. Work entered in the Pele Awards cannot be entered in any other ADDY competition across the country.
New for this year:
1. You must submit each entry using the new “Official Entry Envelope” that is available at no charge. Please email PeleAwards@aafhawaii.com to request yours.
2. A CD with a PDF file for each entry is required for all Print Entries (or any entries that can be represented by a still graphic).
The file will be used to show on the Large screen for the 2011 Pele Awards Show. To enter the Pele Awards, work must have been conceived and created within the Hawaiian Islands, although production services may be used outside of Hawaii.
All work entered in the PELE (ADDY) Competition must have first appeared in the media between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2010.
With the exception of Public Service Advertising, Advertising for the Arts, and Advertising Industry Self Promotion categories, work entered must have been the result of paid creative services and media placement in the normal course of business (Student entries are excluded from this rule).
To enter and/or for more information, go to:http://aafhawaii.com/ or send an email to: PeleAwards@AAFHawaii.com.
We are pleased to announce a partnership with PBN. They’ll be running page print ads promoting the Peles from Dec to April. And doing a special Pele Awards special section on Friday, May 7th to recap the winners. They’ll be also moving their Ad Agency listings to this date as well.
Pele Award Entries Due: Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Late Pele Award Entries Due: Friday, February 4, 2011
Pele Award Judging: Saturday & Sunday, February 26 & 27, 2011
Pele Finalist Notification: Friday, March 25, 2011
Ad Leaders Luncheon: Wednesday, March 23, 2011
(Honoring the AdMan, AdWomen, Outstanding Young Ad Person(s), AAAH Media Person of the Year, AAF District 13 Silver Medal Winner)
2010-11 Pele Awards Show: Saturday, April 23, 2011 at the Hawaii Theatre
6pm to 7:30pm View Display/No Host Cocktails at the Hawaii Theatre
7:30pm to 9:30pm Pele Show at the Hawaii Theatre
9:30pm to 12mid After Party at theVenue – Complimentary Pupus and No Host Cocktails
Dave Damman
Freelance Creative Director/Art Director
Minneapolis, MN
Dave has worked for a number of agencies including Saatchi and Saatchi, NYC; Tracey-Locke. Dallas; INITIO, Minneapolis, Carmichael Lynch, Minneapolis; WestWayne, Atlanta; and Fallon McElligott, Minneapolis where he was creative director, during which time also held the position of interim ECD and leadership team member, assuming all management responsibilities of Fallon’s creative department. Currently, he is happily freelancing and happy to fly in the middle seat.
Michael Hart
Founder / Creative Co-Chair
Mono, Minneapolis, MN
Michael Hart returns to the Peles for a 2nd year in a row as Head Judge. He is founder and creative co-chair of mono, a Minneapolis-based company. Clients include Apple, Blu Dot, Sesame Street, NBA TV, USA Network and the Harvard Business School.
Jonathan Schoenberg
Creative Director/ Co-Owner
tda advertising & design, Boulder, Colorado
TDA®_Boulder :: tdaad.com
1500 Pearl Street, Suite 300
Boulder, Colorado 80302
T +1 303.247.1180 X207
Jonathan Schoenberg is creative director and partner at tda advertising & design in Boulder, Colorado. At tda he enjoys working on Fox RacingShox, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Thule, Jones Soda, General Electric, Cloudveil Mountain Apparel, Timberland, Bliss Ice Cream, SmartWool and Titus Bikes. His work has been recognized in The Athena Awards, Cannes, The Clios, Communication Arts, D&AD, New York Art Directors Club and The One Show. In his spare time he is an adjunct professor at the University of Colorado and does his best to enjoy all the recreation that the residents of Boulder feel obliged to participate in, as often as possible.
Janet DeDonato
Methodologie, Seattle
720 Third Avenue, Suite 800
Seattle, WA 98104-1870
206.786.6716 direct
206.623.1044 main
206.625.0154 fax
Janet founded Methodologie in 1988. She is a communications strategist who combines a deep understanding of business strategy with a strong design aesthetic. You’d be hard pressed to find an area of strategic design in which Janet doesn’t have all manner of expertise: she has led naming and brand strategy projects, developed corporate communications and identity systems, launched major marketing campaigns, and managed over 100 annual reports and corporate social responsibility reports. Countless clients have benefited from Janet’s insights, including Amylin, BNSF Railway, Boeing, BRE Properties, Macerich, Microsoft, Potlatch, and Williams-Sonoma Inc.
Well-regarded in the design industry, Janet was honored as a 2010 AIGA Fellow in recognition of her influential 30-year career and has served on the national boards of AIGA and the Association of Professional Design Firms. She is regularly invited to speak as an expert in design and investor communications, including appearances on CNBC and with the National Investor Relations Institute, and has juried many major design competitions including the 2009 365: AIGA Annual Design Competition 31.
Stefan Bucher
Principal and Art Director
344 Design, LLC, Los Angeles
Art Director Stefan G. Bucher is a writer, graphic designer and illustrator and principal of Los Angeles–based 344 Design, LLC.
He is the creator of the popular online animation series Daily Monster. The series has been included in the prestigious Communication Arts Illustration and American Illustration annuals, and was the subject of the annual Fresh Dialogue event held by the New York chapter of the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) in May 2007. Variations of the Daily Monster clips appear on the relaunched TV show The Electric Company.
Bucher worked as an art director at Portland, Oregon advertising agency Wieden & Kennedy before striking out on his own as a designer and entrepreneur.
He is author and designer of the books: 1. The Graphic Eye: Photographs by Graphic Designers from around the Globe; 2. All Access: The Making of Thirty Extraordinary Graphic Designers. Also has juried many major design competitions including the 2009 365: AIGA Annual Design Competition 31.
Design Judge #3 – TBD

One Day for Design | April 13, 2011 | show
April 13 is your chance to shape the future of design—and the future of AIGA
Join us online this Wednesday for “One Day for Design,” an open conversation about the future of the design profession.
Starting early in the morning, our moderators will lead conversations on Twitter that will be aggregated at one convenient site where anyone can comment—with or without a Twitter account. Simply tag your replies on Twitter with #1D4D or visit the site to join the conversation.
Your feedback as a current member is critical, as results will help AIGA support you in a rapidly-changing industry. We hope to see you there!
Get connected
We’ve pulled all the moderators’ Twitter feeds into a handy list for your convenience.

Sake Tasting on the Beach | March 27, 2011 | show
Prepare to kick up your heels and enjoy a relaxing evening at our Sake Tasting on the Beach fundraiser. Explore the intriguing world of sake, enjoy the company of your fellow design community, and watch the sunset from the historic Bayer Estate in East Honolulu. (This exclusive, beachfront property is also the home of Hawai’i Five-O’s Steve McGarrett.)
A variety of sake will be carefully selected, with designers in mind, by World Sake Imports and paired with Japanese cuisine.
All proceeds from this event will support the AIGA Honolulu Jane Suganuma Endowment. This endowment annually awards scholarships to select Hawai’i high school graduates pursuing post-secondary education in Graphic Design or other creative fields of study.
Sunday • March 27 • 2011
The Historic Bayer Estate
(5329 Kalanianaole Hwy.)
$55 AIGA Members
$65 Non-Members & guests
This exclusive event is limited to the first 65 reservations.
Please RSVP online by March 21 at:
If you are unable to attend, but would like to contribute directly to the endowment fund and support our design industry, you may send a check made payable to “Hawai’i Community Foundation” earmarked with “AIGA Honolulu Chapter Endowment” to:
Hawai’i Community Foundation
1164 Bishop Street, Suite 800 • Honolulu, HI 96813
If you would like to make an online donation directly to the endowment fund, you can do so by clicking here. All donations made directly to the endowment are 100% tax-deductible. A portion of the ticket price is tax-deductible. Donors will be acknowledged on the AIGA website.

MEET & GREET: 2011 PELE JUDGES | February 25, 2011 | show
Friday, February 25, 2011 • 6:00 pm
Brasserie Du Vin • 1115 Bethel Street, Honolulu
Light Pupus • No Host Cocktails
Dave Damman • Freelance Creative/Art Director • Minneapolis, MN
Michael Hart • Founder/Creative Co-Chair, Mono • Minneapolis, MN
Jonathan Schoenberg • Creative Director/ Co-Owner, tda • Boulder, CO
Janet DeDonato • Chief Executive Officer, Methodologie • Seattle, WA
Stefan Bucher • Principal & Art Director, 344 Design • Los Angeles, CA
Adam Rowe • President, erowe design • San Diego, CA

Irma Boom & Julius Vermeulen | February 24, 2011 | show
Irma Boom—book designer
FREE public lecture: W, Feb.23, 6:00m, UH Art Auditorium
In residence: Feb.15–25
workshop for BFA students: T, Feb.22 and R, Feb.24
Dutch Graphic Designer Irma Boom has concentrated on book design for most of her career. She is known for designing an unique experience of reading that reflects the contents and authors of her books. In 1996, she was commissioned to design SVH’s Centennial Think Book. It has 2,136 pages with no page numbers or index, and is printed on a paper Boom invented to suit the haptic experience of discovery through coincidence. Her design of Shelia Hicks: Weaving as a Metaphor was awarded the gold medal for “Most Beautiful Book in the World” at the Liepzig Book Fair in 2007. Its pure white soft and ragged edges intimate the experience of the artist’s weavings discussed inside the book.
– – – – – – – – –
Julius Vermeulen—stamp designer
FREE public lecture: R, Feb.24, 6:00m, UH Art Auditorium
In residence: Feb.15–25
Julius Vermeulen is the Art and Design advisor for the Dutch postal service (TNT). TNT Post has helped shape the design and cultural climate in the Netherlands since the 1920s with their award-winning stamp designs and corporate communications.

Print Shop Tour at Edward Enterprises | February 17, 2011 | show
The Printing press died an unexplained, sudden death.
Unfortunately, Print knew its death was imminent…because in the last few decades, Print was clouded by a sense of doom and deemed a relic by the public.
Tabloids report alleged cause of death as:
Rise of the Internet, loss of revenue, information junkies. You name it.
Promoted education and literacy, advanced history and science, christened the Agent of Change. Need we say more?
Was also a member of AIGA, Pantone Mix Masters, FSC, and Oprah’s Book Club. Preceded in death by Magazines, Newspapers, Print Ads.
Come see for yourself at the next AIGA Honolulu Print Shop Tour on Thursday, February 17th at Edward Enterprises. This tour was specifically created for AIGA members and friends. Whether you are a seasoned print buyer or a novice graphic designer, this tour will get you caught up with the latest technology available in Hawai’i.
AIGA Honolulu Print Shop Tour Edward Enterprises (240 Pu’uhale Road)
February 17, 2011?5pm–6:30pm
FREE to AIGA members & friends (Space is limited) RSVP by February 11
Use your personalized URL from the flyer sent to you by mail. If you did not receive a flyer please contact at info@aigahonolulu.org.
Come and join your fellow AIGA community in a fully guided tour of Edward Enterprises’s new energy efficient and FSC certified facility with EE President Mark Ibara. Tour includes:
- Start to Finish Printshop Workflow—learn the basics on what happens to your job, from pre-press to finishing
- Differences between Conventional Inks and UV Energy-cured Inks
- Different types of Coatings
- The ABC’s of Die Cutting, Foil Stamping, and Embossing
- Variable Data printing, Integrated Marketing, PURLs, and other Marketing resources
We’ve all heard the reports that the printed page will soon be replaced by the Internet. “Not entirely so,” says Edward Enterprises, Hawai’i’s largest locally-owned printing company.
While there is no denying that print volumes have decreased in recent years, EE is not putting their head in the sand—they are facing these challenges by offering and embracing new services and technology. With a full service pre-press operation and a wide array of digital and conventional press capabilities, EE continues to lead the way in the craft of printing.
EE is able to combine old school processes with new school technology that add value to your design projects on paper and through the web.

Heineken: The Branding of the Bottle | February 16, 2011 | show
Remco van der Sluis of dBOD, Amsterdam
Wednesday, February 16th, 6–8:30pm
theVenue (1147 Bethel Street)
Members: $12 online, $15 at door • Non-members: $20 online, $25 at the door
Heineken is unique; a single brand with a single product. It is one of the largest and most recognized beer brands worldwide, selling over 5 billion bottles in more than 170 countries annually.
Heineken recently announced the roll-out of the new iconic Heineken bottle. Designed by Amsterdam branding firm dBOD, moving brands forward>>, the new bottle completes the redesign of the global brand packaging range. The restyling aims to streamline the visual identity and make the brand even more consistent and instantly recognizable in all 170 countries.
Amsterdam-based Remco van der Sluis of dBOD, will speak on branding, with a focus on the “Dutchness” in the design process. Case studies of Heineken and other Dutch brands will be showcased.
Sponsored by EO Hawaii, Paradise Beverages, Heineken

2011 Designer Dialogue series with Alan Dye | January 27, 2011 | show
AIGA Honolulu is proud to kick off the 2011 Designer Dialogue series with
Alan Dye
Creative Director at Apple, Inc.
Thursday, January 27 • 6:00pm • UH Art Auditorium
AIGA Members: $10 • Non-members: $15
AIGA Students: Free • Student Non-members: $5
Pay at the door.
ALAN DYE began his career in New York with various agencies, including LANDOR ASSOCIATES and Ogilvy’s Brand Integration Group. In February 2004, Alan became design director of KATE SPADE and JACK SPADE. In December of 2007, Alan moved to the West Coast where he is currently a Creative Director with APPLE’s graphic design team as well as Apple’s Retail Store experience. Alan is also a regular contributor to the NYTimes and works with Simon and Schuster, the National Basketball Association, and New York Magazine. Throughout his career, Alan has also served as the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE AIGA NEW YORK CHAPTER as well as chairman of the Young Guns’ committee for the Art Director’s Club.

The Visual Language of Herbert Matter | October 21, 2010 | show
AAF-Hawaii and AIGA Honolulu presents a HIFF Movie night
featuring the film
sponsored by Electric Pencil
THE VISUAL LANGUAGE OF HERBERT MATTER is a revealing look at the fascinating life story of the highly influential mid-century modern design master. Known as a quintessential designer’s designer, Swiss born Herbert Matter is largely credited with expanding the use of photography as a design tool and bringing the semantics of fine art into the realm of applied arts.
Inspired by Russian constructivists and taught by artists such as Fernand Léger, Le Corbusier, and A.M.Cassandre in Paris in the late 20s, Matter designed a series of cutting-edge Swiss travel posters that won international acclaim for the pioneering use of photo-montage combined with type. Always striking a balance between fine art projects and commercial work, the taciturn designer found his own unique language, which resulted in the creation of such iconic works as the corporate identity for Knoll Associates and the New Haven Railroad.
In today’s commercialized and oversaturated world, the documentary directed by Reto Caduff lets luminaries such as Robert Frank, Massimo Vignelli, Alvin Eisenmann, Steven Heller, Elaine Lustig Cohen and others explain why Matter still matters. Through never-before-seen footage, personal photography and stunning graphic design work, the film explores the social and cultural impact of his personal visual langauge that influenced a whole generation of designer and artists. Click here to see the trailer.
Thursday, October 21
Pre-film Party: 7:00pm at Clear Channel’s RoadRunner Music Hall (across the street from theatre)
Film Showing: 8:30pm at Dole Cannery Theatres
Single Tickets: $15 for members, $20 for non-members.
Bring friends and SAVE with a 6-pack of tickets for only $60! (Members only)

Building a Better Web with HTML5 and CSS3 | October 2, 2010 | show
With: Stephanie Sullivan Rewis
Info: Oct 2-3 • Sat/Sun • 9:00am-4:00pm • 2 mtgs • UHM Sakamaki C104, Manoa MultiMedia Lab • $270
Although CSS3 rendering varies between browsers and HTML5 hasn`t reached the candidate recommendation stage yet, they`re already the hot, new buzzwords and some intrepid front-end developers are already creating sites with them. Are these new techniques ready for prime time on the web? What happens with older browsers?
In this session, Stephanie demonstrates the latest HTML5 structural elements, form markup, and ways of presenting audio and video; then she adds cutting-edge CSS3 features for easier implementation of visual effects, enhanced typography, color treatment, and object effects — all with a focus on satisfying your cravings for tomorrow`s technologies through practical implementations today. Welcome to the next generation of web design!
Future of CSS – what can we use soon
Founder and principal of web standards redesign company W3Conversions, Stephanie Sullivan Rewis is a Dreamweaver, accessibility, CSS, and X/HTML expert, whose services are in demand by top firms across the United States. She`s a top gun that companies go to for troubleshooting problems, training their web team, or to work behind-the-scenes transforming their in-house designs into functioning standard-based websites.
She wrote the CSS Layouts included in Dreamweaver CS3 and updated for Dreamweaver CS5, is the liaison to Adobe for the Web Standards Project (WaSP) and regularly writes articles and does training for corporations. Though an admitted workaholic, she escapes from the little people inside her computer to play beach volleyball. Her guilty pleasure? 80`s music.
Click here for description and to register for this course

Web Workflow with CS5 | Ocotber 1, 2010 | show
With: Greg Rewis, Stephanie Sullivan Rewis
Info: Oct 1 • Fri • 9:00am-4:00pm • 1 mtg • UHM Sakamaki C104, Manoa MultiMedia Lab • $135
As the web continues to evolve, workflows are morphing, and building even simple sites now involves more than just HTML and CSS. From Ajax to Content Management Systems to custom PHP applications and frameworks, it`s a lot to master. And then of course, there`s HTML 5 and CSS3. In this session, explore how the new Dreamweaver CS5 tackles all of these topics head on. If you haven`t looked at Dreamweaver lately, it`s definitely time to take another look!
With nearly 20 years of computer industry experience, Greg Rewis spends over 220 days of the year on the road, talking with customers, giving product demonstrations at trade shows and seminars, speaking at industry conferences, and leading specialized advanced training sessions featuring Adobe`s Web Tools product line. He and Stephanie co-wrote Mastering CSS with Dreamweaver CS4 to help people effectively create websites, using today`s technology and best practices, with the leading website creation tool. Founder and principal of web standards redesign company W3Conversions, Stephanie Sullivan Rewis is a Dreamweaver, accessibility, CSS, and X/HTML expert, whose services are in demand by top firms across the United States. She`s a top gun that companies go to for troubleshooting problems, training their web team, or to work behind-the-scenes transforming their in-house designs into functioning standard-based websites.
She wrote the CSS Layouts included in Dreamweaver CS3 and updated for Dreamweaver CS5, is the liaison to Adobe for the Web Standards Project (WaSP) and regularly writes articles and does training for corporations. Though an admitted workaholic, she escapes from the little people inside her computer to play beach volleyball. Her guilty pleasure? 80`s music.
Click here for description and to register for this course

The State of the Web | September 30, 2010 | show
With: Greg Rewis, Stephanie Sullivan Rewis
Info: Sep 30 • Thu • 7:00-9:00pm • Architecture Auditorium • Free • Call 956-8244 for information.
Stephanie (Sullivan) Rewis and Greg Rewis discuss the current state of the Web and the substantial changes that HTML5 and CSS3 bring. This discussion is not to be missed by anyone involved with web design and development.
Don`t miss their workshops:
Web Workflow with CS5
Date: Friday, October 1
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm
Instructor: Greg Rewis

jeffstaple |July 28, 2010 | show
presented by aiga honolulu in co-sponsorship with interisland terminal
stapledesign.com | thereedspace.com
Jeffrey Ng aka jeffstaple, 33, has masterfully created a world of communicating through design. The founder and owner of Staple Design, Staple Clothing and Reed Space, Jeff is a graphic, web and clothing designer, artist, DJ, writer and entrepreneur.
Born in New Jersey, Jeff attended New York University to study journalism. While in college, he worked as an entry-level data clerk at a design firm. Jeff quickly learned and eventually became a class instructor at the firm in less than 6 months. He then realized his growing passion for graphic design, dropped out of NYU and enrolled himself at Parsons School of Design in Fall 1995 to study Communications Design
Staying very firmly grounded to the values in which the Staple brand was created sticking to the basic necessities needed in life, Staple Design has created work for Burton Snowboards, Converse, The Gap, HBO, Housing Works, Levis, LVMH, New Balance, New Museum of Contemporary Art, Nike, NYC&Co., Puma, Timberland, Uniqlo and more
:talkshop: [show + tell with jeffstaple] a design development workshop for students and recent graduates. attendees have the opportunity to present a portfolio piece, something they’re working on, or a concept to [show + tell] for constructive feedback and to begin a dialogue with jeffstaple. thursday, july 29, 4:00pm, waikiki parc hotel. limited seating. first priority given to aiga student members. aiga professional members and non-members will be allowed on space available basis. free. rsvp is required: rsvp@aigahonolulu.org
:lecture: [the little things in life] the who, what, when, where and why’s of being an entrepreneur thursday, july 29, 6:30pm, location to be announced. tickets are $10 purchased in-advance {$8 with aiga discount} $20 at the door.
other jeffstaple / reed space events
: reed space hnl preview event presented by interisland terminal a special preview evening of reed space hnl will give guests a first look at the reed space hnl selection of titles, many of which are rare and only available in limited quantities. proceeds from this event and all bookstore sales will support upcoming interisland terminal programs. wednesday, july 28, 7:00 9:00pm at waikiki parc hotel. tickets are $35 per person {$30 with aiga discount}. cocktails and pupus provided by nobu waikiki and tuaca.
: reed space hnl presented by interisland terminal a “pop-up” bookstore of art, design, and architecture titles. jeffstaple will curate a selection of cutting edge titles for the bookstore representing the pulse of global contemporary design culture. thursday, july 29 sunday, august 8 10:30am 7:30pm daily. free.
for aiga discounted tickets {click here} password: reedaiga

Pacific New Media Workshops | July 7, 2010 | show
Pacific New Media Workshops
Photoshop CS5 Power Shortcuts
Date: Wednesday, July 7
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm
Instructor: Michael Ninness
Location: UHM Krauss 012 (Yukiyoshi Room)
Fee: $75
InDesign CS5 Power Shortcuts
Date: Wednesday, July 7
Time: 1:00-4:00pm
Instructor: Michael Ninness
Location: UHM Krauss 012 (Yukiyoshi Room)
Fee: $75
Photoshop + InDesign CS5 Power Shortcuts Bundle
Date: Wednesday, July 7
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm & 1:00-4:00pm
Instructor: Michael Ninness
Location: UHM Krauss 012 (Yukiyoshi Room)
Fee: $100 SPECIAL AIGA Member Discount*
$120 Non-Member Fee
Creating Interactive Documents and Presentations with Adobe InDesign CS5
Date: Thursday, July 8
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm
Instructor: Michael Ninness
Location: UHM Krauss 012 (Yukiyoshi Room)
Fee: $125 SPECIAL AIGA Member Discount*
$150 Non-Member Fee
*To receive the Special AIGA Member Discount, please register by calling Lance Haga at (808) 956-9249.

AIGA Honolulu Members Luncheon | June 11, 2010 | show
Please join your fellow right brain members for lunch. Receive current information about our chapter, network with industry professionals and have a chance to win “A Whole New Mind” by Daniel Pink, one of ten books and other prizes being given away!
Hawaiian Buffet Lunch
$20 – AIGA Members $15 – Student Members $30 – Non-Members
Please pay at the door. Make checks payable to “AIGA Honolulu”
Please RSVP by June 7
Email your reservations to membership@aigahonolulu.org
Include name, company and number attending.
Due to catering requirements, NO SHOWS WILL BE BILLED.
Any Questions?
Please call Elden 808.228.4510 or Santa 808.781.6168
Email membership@aigahonolulu.org
Parking is available at the Willows parking lot for $3.
Entrance is located on Hausten Street.
Printing and mailing by Zoombis, a division of HonBlue.

GraFreaks: Different by Design | May 12, 2010 | show
GraFreaks: Different by Design
Wednesday May 12, 2010 — 5pm-8:30pm
Honolulu Community College – Building, Rooms 303 & 305
874 Dillingham Boulevard, Honolulu, HI 96817
The HCC Communication Arts program welcomes you to GraFreaks: Different by Design.
Catch the eye-popping spectacle brought to you by the GraFreaks at Honolulu Community College, 2010’s graduating design class, for just one night only.
There’s no other sideshow like us ladies and gents, because we’re the show that’s different by design!
Kalena Leong
Quintin Campbell
Jeff Bonsato
Zachary Waterfall
Anna Chan
Dustin Chang
Angel Uyeshiro
Maricel Ganoot
RSVP on our website for directions and your parking pass at www.thegrafreakshow.com.

NMA Demo Reel and Design Portfolio 2010 | May 11, 2010 | show
NMA Demo Reel and Design Portfolio 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 —
6pm–7pm (industry only), 7–8pm (family & friends)
Kapi’olani Community College, Rooms Koa 102 & 103
4303 Diamond Head Road, Honolulu HI 96816
KCC New Media Arts presents NMA Demo Reel and Design Portfolio 2010.
Be sure to come celebrate and check out the demo reels and portfolios from the graduating animation and interface design students of the New Media Arts program at Kapi’olani Community College. For those of you looking to hire a designer, web designer, html/css front end coder, or 3D animator, or for those of you thinking about taking a class in design or animation at KCC – this is a great opportunity to learn more about the program, meet the faculty and see examples of student work.
ANIMATION: Joey Arakaki, Matthew High, Blake Hixson, Richard Lao, Daniel Miyasato, Patrick Suzuki, and Michael Tobita
INTERFACE DESIGN: Amy Shimokihara, Chris Durietz, Debbie Kuo, Emi Machida, Jessica Guillermo, Kozue Nakahira, Teri Fukuhara, Tomoko Sugiyama, and Yubee Pua
For more information please contact Ailed Garcia at ailed@hawaii.edu or 1-808-343-9565.
Learn more about our program, by logging on to http://nma.kcc.hawaii.edu.

Sustainability 101 | May 7, 2010 | show
SUSTAINABILITY 101 for Graphic Designers with Shanah Travenna of Sustainable UH
This ‘Sustainability 101’ talkshop is specifically designed to engage graphic designers in the excitement of the sustainability movement in Hawai’i. Seven core concepts of sustainability are introduced using local case studies as related to the profession of graphic design. Attendees will learn the language of sustainability to articulate new ideas and to explore ways of integrating the concepts into projects that will save money, benefit your community, and the environment.
FRIDAY, MAY 7, 2010
6:00 THRU 7:30PM
[Download printable PDF]
About Shanah Travenna
BSc Mechanical Engineering – Student Sustainability Coordinator
Shanah Travenna is the Coordinator of Sustainable UH, a campus organization striving to establish the University of Hawai’i (UH) System as a world leader in sustainability. As the previous director of the Sustainable Saunders initiative, she coordinated a dynamic interdisciplinary student team called the HUB (Help Us Bridge) and has used the lessons learned from Saunders to design ‘Sustainability 101’ curriculum. Shanah currently teaches a capstone undergraduate course on the community and sustainability interships, is a researcher in the department of Electrical Engineering’s Renewable Energy and Island Sustainability (REIS) program and is also completing her Masters in Urban and Regional Planning in Spring 2010.
About Sustainable UH
Sustainable UH is a student-led organization on a mission to be of service to those who support the University of Hawai’i system as a world leader in sustainable education, research and practices by providing “student-power” for energy audits, waste audits, de-lamping, and other green workforce development projects.

Probing Interview Workshop | September 17, 2010 | show
Probing Interview Workshop
With Professor William F. Sharkey, Ph.D
Friday, September 17, 2010
UH Art Building, Room 341
University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
About the Workshop
Professor Sharkey of the Department of Speech at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa reminded the students of this important rule: when you are interviewing a client about a design project, remember that you are not only selling your organization, your company, or your school, but you are selling yourself.
Design students from HCC, KCC, and UH Mānoa attended the Probing Interview Workshop to learn to become efficient and appropriate probe interviewers when designing for a client. They were also able to apply the skills that they learned by engaging in a one-on-one, simulated probing interview with Professor Sharkey.
About Dr. Sharkey
Professor Sharkey’s research focuses on the use of intentional embarrassment as a social tool. He has studied why and how people deliberately embarrass themselves and others and what the consequences are for doing so. Additionally, professor Sharkey has continued research in two other areas of interpersonal communication: (a) the interaction patterns (both vocal and visual behaviors) of blind and sighted conversationalists and (b) cultural differences in the way people communicate with each other.
Professor Sharkey teaches a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses that deal with interpersonal communication. Specifically, he regularly teaches courses in conflict management, communication in helping relationships, strategic communication, interviewing and interrogation, and family interaction. He was awarded the Board of Regents Medal of Excellence for Teaching in 2006.
Professor Sharkey is presently the Editor of Communication Reports, a journal of the Western States Communication Association.
Professor Sharkey is also active in the community; he provides workshops and presentations which focus on conflict, listening, and interviewing skills.
Ph.D. in Interpersonal Communication (Ohio State University, 1990).?M.A. in Communication Theory (Ohio State University, 1987).?B.A. in Speech Communication (Glassboro State University, 1985).?A.A.S. in Interpreters Education (Community College of Philadelphia, 1982).
For more information on Professor Sharkey:
Biography: http://www.hawaii.edu/speech/faculty_p.php
For more information on the Department of Speech:
Department of Speech website: http://www.hawaii.edu/speech/
Department of Speech blog: http://speechdepartmentupdate.blogspot.com/

COLLATERAL: BFA Graphic Design Showcase | May 6, 2010 | show
Collateral: BFA Graphic Design Showcase
Thursday, May 6, 2010 — 6pm-8:30pm
Honolulu Academy of Arts, The Academy Art Center at Linekona
1111 Victoria Street, Honolulu HI 96814
The University of Hawai’i at Manoa senior BFA graphic design students invite you to a showcase of their design portfolios at the Academy Art Center at Linekona.
Free parking available.
On May 6, 2010, the BFA graphic design students from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa will present Collateral, a portfolio showcase atthe Academy Art Center at Linekona. Collateral is defined as “belonging to the same ancestral stock but not in a direct line of descent” and aptly describes the work presented in this presentation of design work. The process of design requires, many trials, multiple iterations, and countless ideas in order to create a finished product. The work displayed within Collateral marks the culmination of not only a class experience but seven individual journeys.

AIGA Honolulu and Electric Pencil present AIGA Night at the Movies! | April 21, 2010 | show
Regal Dole Cannery Hawaii International Film Festival Spring Showcase
AIGA Honolulu and Electric Pencil present AIGA Night at the Movies!
Join us for a special showing of Typeface, sponsored by Electric Pencil. Kartemquin Film’s latest documentary focuses on the Hamilton Wood Type and Printing Musuem in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, the only such institution dedicated to the preservation, study, production, and printing of wood type and letterpress.
Typeface brings the fascinating junction of historical and contemporary, as well as rural and urban America tgether for enjoyment and contemplation. This film will be of interest to art and graphic design enthusiasts, to teachers as an eductional resource, and to anyone looking for a film about perserverance and preservation in the heart of America.
Typeface is the exclusive design film for the 2010 HIFF Spring Showcase.
FREE for the first 20 Professional and first 20 Student Members! Additional tickets are available to members at a special AIGA Honolulu discounted price of $10 (reg $12).
PLUS! Meet the Beckie Stocchetti! Join us at the AIGA After-party for a post-film reception where Beckie Stocchetti of the Typeface production crew will be on hand! Free pupus!
RSVPs ARE REQUIRED! Ticket pick up information will be sent via confirmation email. No shows will be billed.
AIGA Honolulu Night at the Movies: Typeface
2010 Hawaii International Film Festival Spring Showcase
Wednesday, April 21
6:15 PM—Typeface film showing, Regal Dole Cannery Theatres
7:45 PM—AIGA After-party, Location TBA
Special AIGA Ticket Prices:
FREE First 20 Professional Members
FREE First 20 Student Members
$10 AIGA Members (Regular $12)
Enter promo code AIGA to order tickets here
RSVP REQUIRED at rsvp@aigahonolulu.org.

1st Annual Graphic Design Forum | March 31, 2010 | show
Have you ever envisioned yourself as a professional in the fields of photography, design, or advertising? Do you see yourself creating outrageous concepts and witty headlines? Do you dream of creating and developing a brand for a local company or designing a marketing campaign for an international enterprise?
Meet with working professionals, ask questions, and discover what it takes to succeed in the 1st Annual Graphic Design Forum.
Featured Panelists:
Alan Low Design | Alan Low
Anthology Marketing Group | Melissa Alpan
Bonnie Taam Design | Bonnie Taam Sakai
Design Asylum Inc. | Leslie Tamonte
Design Logix | Deby Chock
DFI Design | Chris Magpoc
HonBlue/Electric Pencil | Matt Heim
Jon Duarte Design Group | Jon Duarte
Michael Horton Design | Michael Horton
MVNP | Dave Daniels
Rocket Science | Arnie Yew
The Harris Agency | Noah Tom
VOICE | Clifford Cheng}
Wall-to-Wall Studios | Bernard Uy
1st Annual Graphic Design Forum
Wednesday, March 31, 2010 – 5:30-7:30pm
Honolulu Community College, Building Two
874 Dillingham Boulevard
5:30-6:30 PM | FORUM | ROOM #201
6:45-7:30 PM | CRITIQUE* | ROOMS #305 & #312
FREE Admission. Forum is open to all AIGA student members.
*Students participating in the portfolio critique must be a portfolio student.
For more information, please call Michelle Saoit at 808.224.3599 or email education@aigahonolulu.org.

Digital Design: Integrating InDesign and Photoshop | March 21, 2010 | show
Digital Design: Integrating InDesign and Photoshop
Adobe InDesign with Sandee Cohen
Sunday, March 21, 9:00 am-4:00 pm
UH Manoa, Sakamaki Hall C104?
Register Here:?
Designed specifically for those who have already taken an InDesign class or have been working with InDesign for at least a year, this advanced class helps you work more efficiently by maximizing the power of InDesign??
Discover how to:
- Create nested styles to automate run-in heads
- Use the next style command for repeating styled paragraphs
- Use the advanced features of GREP for find and change routines
- Coordinate colors between InDesign documents as well as Illustrator files
- Define and use text variables
- Automate placing and fitting placed images
Designers are encouraged to submit their own questions ahead of time to be covered during the class.
Sandee Cohen has been teaching print and web graphics for over 20 years at New School University, Thunder Lizard Conferences, Seybold Seminars, and Macworld Expo. She is the author of all versions of the InDesign Visual Quickstart Guide as well as co-author of Real World Adobe Creative Suite 2. She has also written books on Fireworks, FreeHand, Illustrator, and desktop publishing.

2010 Pele Design Judges Wine-About-Design Night! | February 12, 2010 | show
AIGA Honolulu presents the:
2010 Pele Design Judges Wine-About-Design Night!
Join us on Friday, February 12 at Brasserie Du Vin’s Cask Room as we hang out with this years’s Pele Judges. We’ll wine and whine about all the good things in our design lives and find some commonality between Houston, Southern California, and Hawai’i design. Between the grapes and gripes, we’ll partake in Du Vin’s French pupus and luscious wines.
This year’s culprits are:
Dwight Douthit of Dwight Douthit Design Group in Houston – www.douthitdesign.com
Ruben Esparza of RED Studios in LA – www.redstudios.com
Brian White of Brian White Illustration in Van Nuys, C A – www.brianwhiteillustration.com
Friday, February 12, 2010
Cask Room at Brasserie Du Vin
1115 Bethel Street, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
FREE! for the first 20 AIGA members to sign up.*
RSVP to rsvp@aigahonolulu.org
After that, it’s still only $10 for members!
Non-members: $10 each
*No shows will be billed.
(Student members must be 21 years or older)
For more information call Matt Heim at 808-441-4327
or visit www.aigahonolulu.org.

AIGA Honolulu presents: Hawaii’s 5-O Award Show | November 6, 2009 | show
Register to attend the 2009 Hawaii’s 5-O Design Competition and Award Show, CLICK HERE.
Mark your calendars now: the AIGA Honolulu
“Hawaii’s 5-O” Design Awards Show is coming!
Designers and creatives vie for industry recognition in
Hawaii’s only competition specifically for designers.
Printed annual reports, calendars, stationery, books,
brochures, catalogs, newsletters, posters, invitations,
announcements, packaging, environmental graphics/
signage and website/interactive designs – see it all.
Date: Friday, November 6, 2009
Location: Pauahi Tower Mezzanine
1003 Bishop Square – Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Map: http://tinyurl.com/aigaHI5O
Parking: Bishop Square Parking
Entrance on Alakea Street (Flat rate fee with validation)
Attire: Business
6:00 – 7:00 pm: Cocktails
7:00 – 9:00 pm: Reception (heavy pupus) & Presentation of Awards
9:00 pm: Pau!
Souvenir: Complimentary Winners Books For All Attendees
Visit the HAWAII’s 5-O website: www.aigahonolulu.org/HI50/
Or email us for more information: entries@aigahonolulu.org

ART+DESIGN // Died Young, Stayed Pretty | October 23, 2009 | show
AIGA Honolulu and Electric Pencil present “ART+DESIGN” at the 2009 Hawaii International Film Festival from October 15-25 at Regal Dole Cannery Cinemas.
OCT23, 8:30PM . OCT24, 9:00PM
Eileen Yaghoobian, Director
DIED YOUNG, STAYED PRETTY peels back the paper curtain and looks behind the scenes of the underground poster movement. These graphic banditos roam the streets, plastering their work to every available surface. Under the guise of advertising rock shows, these unheralded masters of the silkscreen and xerox machine carry on public discourses on the merits and pitfalls of fried cheese and gritty porn.

ART+DESIGN // Art & Copy | October 22, 2009 | show
AIGA Honolulu and Electric Pencil present “ART+DESIGN” at the 2009 Hawaii International Film Festival from October 15-25 at Regal Dole Cannery Cinemas.
OCT22, 7:00PM . OCT23, 3:00PM
Doug Pray, Director
ART & COPY is a powerful new film about advertising and inspiration. Directed by Doug Pray, it reveals the work and wisdom of some of the most influential advertising creatives of our time – people who’ve profoundly impacted our culture, yet are virtually unknown outside their industry. Exploding forth from advertising’s “creative revolution” of the 1960s, these artists and writers all brought a surprisingly rebellious spirit to their work in a business more often associated with mediocrity or manipulation.

ART+DESIGN // Objectified | October 21, 2009 | show
AIGA Honolulu and Electric Pencil present “ART+DESIGN” at the 2009 Hawaii International Film Festival from October 15-25 at Regal Dole Cannery Cinemas.
OCT21, 6:15PM . OCT23, 1:00PM
Gary Hustwit, Director
OBJECTIFIED is a feature-length independent documentary about industrial design. It’s a look at the creativity at work behind everything from toothbrushes to tech gadgets. The film documents the creative processes of some of the world’s most influential designers, and looks at how the things they make impact our lives. What can we learn about who we are, and who we want to be, from the objects with which we surround ourselves.

ART+DESIGN // Milton Glaser: To Inform and Delight | Ocotober 17, 2009 | show
AIGA Honolulu and Electric Pencil present “ART+DESIGN” at the 2009 Hawaii International Film Festival from October 15-25 at Regal Dole Cannery Cinemas.
OCT17, 8:30PM . OCT20, 11:30AM
Wendy Keys, Director
From newspapers and magazine designs, to interior spaces, logos, and brand identities, to his celebrated prints, drawings, posters and paintings, the documentary offers audiences a much richer appreciation for one of the great modern renaissance men. Artfully directed by first time filmmaker Wendy Keys, the film glances into everyday moments of Milton Glaser’s personal life and captures his immense warmth, humanity and the boundless depth of his intelligence and creativity.

Designer Dialogue Series: Robynne Raye from Modern Dog | October 1, 2009 | show
AIGA Honolulu presents another
Designer Dialogue with
Robynne Raye, Modern Dog Design Co.
Since co-founding Modern Dog Design Co. in 1987, Robynne Raye has continued to do work for entertainment and retail companies – both local and national – and counts poster, packaging and identity projects as some of her favorite work.
Recent clients include Disney, Coca-Cola, Adobe Systems Inc., Blue Q, Olive Green Dog Products, Shout! Factory and HarperCollins. Robynne has received recognition from every major design organization in the U.S. Her posters are represented in the permanent archives of the Louvre (Rohan Marsan wing) the Library of Congress, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Museum Fur Kunst und Gewerbe, the Warsaw National Museum, and the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum among others.
In March 2008, Chronicle Books published a 20 year retrospective focusing on Modern Dog’s poster work. For more than 16 years she has lectured and taught workshops, both nationally and internationally. Currently she is an adjunct instructor at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle.
Save the date: Thursday, October 1, 2009
Details to come!

Hawaii’s 5-0 Call For Entries – DEADLINE | September 25, 2009 | show
It’s that time again! MAKE IDEAS THRIVE.
AIGA Honolulu presents the 2009 Hawaii’s 5-O Competition! Designers will be able to vie for industry recognition in the State’s only competition specifically for graphic designers.
Sep. 14-18: Early Entries will be accepted at Electric Pencil.
Sep. 21-25: Late Entries accepted (with late fees)
Nov. 6: The Hawaii’s 5-O Award Show Event.
The CALL FOR ENTRIES have been mailed!
For more information, please click here: www.aigahonolulu.org/HI50
Want to be added to our mailing list to receive a copy of the
printed CALL FOR ENTRIES? Just send an email with your
contact information and mailing address to membership@aigahonolulu.org

Designer Dialogue Series: Debbie Millman | September 11, 2009 | show
“Why We Brand, Why We Buy”
Lecture by AIGA President Debbie Millman
What makes a brand stand out? Is there some magic that turns a simple script logo for a soda into the international graphic icon that is Coca-Cola, or makes us salivate over the latest product from Apple?
In this presentation, Debbie will take a keen look at the influence branding has on our everyday lives, from branding ourselves and the world around us to the role branding plays in the products we buy and the way we live, and discuss the following:
- What are the five waves of modern branding? Debbie will explore each one, focusing on the brands that defined each period.
- How human evolution and population trends are linked with branding.
- How technology has changed the way we interact with each other, and with brands.
- What it takes for modern brands to stand out in a crowded marketplace.
- How branding connects with our basic instincts.
Debbie has worked in the design business for over 25 years. She is President of the design division at Sterling Brands. She has been there for fourteen years and in that time she has worked on the redesign of global brands for Pepsi, Procter & Gamble, Campbell’s, Colgate, Hershey and Hasbro. Prior to Sterling, she was a Senior Vice President at Interbrand and a Marketing Director at Frankfurt Balkind.
Debbie is President of the AIGA, the professional association for design. She is a contributing editor at Print Magazine and she teaches at the School of Visual Arts. In 2005, she began hosting the first weekly radio talk show about design on the Internet. The show is titled “Design Matters with Debbie Millman” and it is featured on the Voice America Business Network.
She is also the author of two books, “How To Think Like A Great Graphic Designer” (Allworth Press, 2007), and “The Essential Principles of Graphic Design” (Rotovision, 2008). Her new “Look Both Ways: Illustrated Essays on the Intersection of Life and Design” will be published by How Books in Fall of 2009.

Form Follows Culture | December 11, 2008 | show
Entrance fees:
$10 Members
$15 Non Members
Free Student Members
$5 Student Non Members
An intimate and informal luncheon
Friday, December 12, 2008 • 11:30 AM
Indigo Restaurant
1121 Nuuanu Avenue
Chinatown, Honolulu
RSVP required [rsvp@aigahonolulu.org]
Luncheon fees:
$15 Members
$25 Non Members
Bennett Peji specializes in a Cross-Cultural Approach to Distinctive Branding with Case Studies from the US, China, Mexico and the Philippines.
He is focused on applying the best practices to truly understand unique communities and respectfully reflect that understanding in the built environment.
A city brand identity system must be so much more than words and images. It must tell a story that honors the heritage of a place while embracing the future so that it can become an intrinsic part of the community’s culture and identity.
Bennett Peji serves as an AIGA national board member, a Commissioner of Arts & Culture for the City of San Diego, and Chairman of the Board of the Asian Business Association San Diego. He is one of the co-founders of the AIGA Center for Cross-cultural Design and is San Diego’s first AIGA Fellow honoree. His firm, Bennett Peji Design, focuses on helping revitalize organizations, cities and cultures through district branding. Peji is the recipient of the Arts, Business and Culture Award from the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, the Outstanding Professional of the Year Award from the Filipino-American Chamber of Commerce and the Asian Heritage Award for Cultural Preservation from Asia Media. Besides business and community service awards, his firm has received over 200 design awards. Peji is a co-founder and regent of the Baja California Missions Foundation, founded to renovate and preserve the historic missions in Mexico. www.pejidesign.com
Marc English | February 12, 2004
Hawaii’s 5-0 Design Competition and Award Show | November 9, 2003
Membership Party | May 31, 2003
Lucille Tenazas | April 3, 2003
Matt Mulder: The Revolution will be Broadcast | March 27, 2003
Sandee Cohen: Typography Excellence using Adobe InDesign | February 27, 2003